… & what to do about it

Since the start of the pandemic HR Tech expenditure has skyrocketed. In 2021, U.S. companies spent upwards of $16 billion on work technology investments — a record high. Everyone is rushing to provide new & innovative platforms to support the move to remote & hybrid work…and now we’re starting to see the results.

SHRM research shows that many organizations are not experiencing the ROI they anticipated. Don’t repeat their mistakes. Here’s everything you need to know.

Employee adoption is everything

HR departments can invest as much as they want into new tools, but if employees and middle management don’t buy-in at high rates, the investments often fall flat. According to PwC, “82% of organizations said they struggle with adoption challenges during HR technology implementation or transformation.” Oftentimes, top leadership will end an initiative if it’s not showing continuous value. Hence, why widespread adoption is key. Right from the get go, organizations should adopt an incentivized or gamified approach. Research shows that once employees develop a habit of using said new platform, they will continue to use it over time. That’s when you’ll start to see results. Luckily, some platforms (like MixR) have these built-in features that encourage rapid user adoption — think challenges, rewards, and other fun elements.

Measure, measure, measure

HR Tech platforms that focus on the “softer” elements of HR — people, culture, Employee Experience — are gaining rising popularity. And for good reason. The platforms that truly stand out? Those that offer comprehensive analytics & measurement tools. If you can measure it, you can manage it. HR departments need to be able to connect new platforms to measurable business outcomes — to present results to senior leadership, and to maintain a grasp on the program and make adjustments as needed. Poor project management & decision making can seriously impact your ROI. Luckily, MixR is equipped with world-class analytics to help organizations make the most of their investments. Learn more in our last post.

Don’t underestimate what it takes

Perhaps the biggest mistake HR departments make that can negatively impact ROI: underestimating the costs & efforts related to integrating new technology platforms. Change doesn’t happen overnight. Properly implementing a new platform takes careful planning, intention, and time. Many vendors will demo a platform and undermine the ease of rolling-out a whole new system. Your chosen vendor should lay out a thought out implementation plan, and clearly define the roles & responsibilities needed to get there. What’s great about MixR? On one hand, the platform can be up and running in no time. Because employees are empowered to create & manage their own communities, much of the roll-out & implementation can happen organically. On the other hand, a client is seeking a more structured approach, our community experts are here to guide them every step of the way — from community architecture, to onboarding and goal setting.

Trust your employees

Last but not least, an organization must commit to trusting employees to help build and maintain a culture they will thrive in. In a short term focused society, we often tend to look for quick fixes. I call it the short-long way to reach a positive outcome. At MixR, we believe in the long-short way when dealing with structure and culture. DEI, mental health, attractiveness and engagement are words you hear on a daily basis in the corporate world, but most organizations are addressing these issues with either the wrong tools, OR with short term goals in mind. Let’s change that.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably in the market for an HR tech solution. MixR may be right for you. Visit www.mixr.net to learn more and book a demo today.

P.S. MixR will be attending the SHRM Annual Conference & Expo this June in New Orleans, LA. If you or anyone you know is attending, let’s connect!


MixR Team


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