Wait, what? OK, listen up, dudes (and by dudes, we’re talking to you, men who build things on the internet). We love you – no, really we do – but you’ve had your time. Most of the digital networks we use on a daily basis have been built by dudes, and we find they can be a bit stiff and hierarchical. When it comes to doing stuff you’re passionate about, we think there’s a different way to get that proverbial s**t done. So we got together a bunch of kick-ass women – and yes, a few dudes – and built a community organizing tool that does just that. The result is MixR, and we’re extremely excited to be featured on Product Hunt today.
For the first time, women can access a community platform that is built on feminine strengths and that is working to cultivate the world in the way they want. And maybe, just maybe, that is what we all need right now.
MixR’s digital platform leverages feminine strengths such as grassroots organizing, collaboration, co-creation and transparency to create an inclusive and “flat” structure. We’ve created something of a “belonging machine” where you can connect with people who like the stuff you like and then organize and do things with them. You might say we’re the Bernie Sanders of group organizing – well, if Bernie Sanders looked like Gal Gadot, that is. 😄On MixR, the crowd can get involved and take ownership of the cause, organization, or interest. Everyone empowers everyone else to collaborate (say it with us slowly: col-lab-o-rate). From creating a poker team or a book club, to creating climate-change group for taking action in local communities, from causes looking to activate and involve their members, to small businesses building their reputations in a bustling metropolis, MixR is a user-friendly platform that focuses on local activism and engagement where we truly believe everyone can become a leader.Safety and transparency are top of mind for us, as well, so you can rest assured that we don’t sell your data to Russians or charge you for the privilege. MixR is 100% free to use, both for members and organizers.For the first time, women can access a community platform that is built on feminine strengths and that is working to cultivate the world in the way they want. And maybe, just maybe, that is what we all need right now. So check us out on Product Hunt, and share our message of empowering local leaders.