The importance of consciousness within the age of technology and why establishing healthy guidelines and a civil culture of interaction is imperative for how technology is being used.
The French gave us “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” as a revolutionary rallying cry for a free, just and inclusive world. Three hundred years on, in a global, troll-infested digital age that is rapidly turning it into an Age of Unenlightenment, a multicultural US community engagement start-up offers a new, evolutionary cry: “Freedom, Responsibility, Accountability.”
It can become a call for everyone, everywhere to engage online more consciously.
What the internet badly needs.
The double-edged sword of TechnologyTechnology is heralding a possible end to all our planetary challenges and the world-wide web is making us into an inter-connected and inter-dependent online village. And yet, if we are not raising consciousness about how we engage across social media, the best of digitech platforms end up being abused by lower levels of our consciousness. This is a MAJOR issue with all online platforms today. Instead of rapidly and widely developing the world and raising consciousness, the internet today is diminishing it in many more ways.
The internet has empowered anyone, anywhere who has access, with the Freedom to voice their opinions, vote with a thumbs up or down, and share beliefs and views. In the rush of getting ‘there’ faster, two very important accompaniments to Freedom have been left behind: Responsibility and Accountability.
Responsibility is the ‘ability to respond’ consciously, i.e, to use the freedom of speech given appropriately and respectfully.
Accountability is ‘to be held to account’ for the discharge of that Freedom. To own the job of exercising it with caution and care and a sense of stewardship. And to be ready to be suitably penalized for failing in that duty.
It is so simple really. So obvious. Yet, our combined civilizational achievement on this planet has not been able to foresee and safe-guard our humanity in the virtual realm. It makes me drop my jaw in horror and hang my head in shame every time I scroll through the unconscious, self-righteous, entitled, hurtful, unsubstantiated and down-right false or misleading ‘comments’ left behind by seemingly educated netizens across all public fora.
In an effort to civilise our use of the net and bring in healthy feminine behaviors such as empathy, kindness and inclusion, to balance and fully leverage the worthy masculine values of speed and growth, MixR, a community engagement platform has come up with ‘The MixR Rules of Engagement / Code of Conduct - for a conscious, respectful, trustworthy and inclusive online and offline world.’
Delighted to share them below. Thank you team MixR for crafting these so well.
You can even make them available to other users, as your gift to the Creative Commons. May we all pledge to honor them with “Freedom, Responsibility, Accountability”.
Why indulge our lower nature? Let’s use our prolific online time and energy to unleash the power of technology to elevate Humanity and #RiseInLoveTogether. Greater heights await us.
MIXR COMMUNITY GUIDELINESWhy Community Guidelines are importantMixR Community Guidelines are meant to support you as a member and/or as a group organizer to enrich your experiences with one another. Think of these as your guiding principles to establish Mutual Trust and Respect and as the cultural ‘soil’ that flowers the ‘seed’ of Leadership au Feminin.
Here are some ways you can create a responsible community:
MixR Community GuidelinesBe your genuine, unapologetic self! Positive social change relies on genuine connections, and genuine connections rely on genuine people. Please verify your identity by entering a name, profile picture, and information that adequately represent you--this will also prevent bizarre blunders when you meet face-to-face.
Diversity is vitality. Infuse more life into your MixR community by refraining from comments or behaviors that degrade any race, religion, gender, age group, or ability. Be the change you want to see!
Community needs trust. The surest way to build trust is to relate in ways that support our mutual empowerment. MixR has a zero tolerance policy for personal attacks, insults, harassment, or bullying of any kind.
A thriving community creates value for its members. MixR is a safe space to generate great value for us all. Share your unique talents and leadership abilities: Create amazing content, foster opportunities for others to connect, to learn, to feel supported. Make them come away so uplifted that they will want to come back and inspiration will ripple out to everyone around!
Mindfully-handled tension builds healthier communities. If a dispute arises in a group or mixr, address it respectfully (remember: it’s about mutual empowerment, not “I’m right and you’re wrong”). If that option is not available, you could ask another trusted member to act as a mediator.
Sometimes, creative leaders break the rules. As a member and as an organizer, it is part of your role to guarantee the respect of these guidelines, along with the safety and mutual trust & respect within the MixR community. If you feel it is necessary, the “Report” button is available at any time.
We are hopeful you will embrace these guidelines and grateful for you to share them within the MixR Community and beyond.