Psychological Safety [Definition] The belief that one can speak up without risk of punishment or humiliation.
Today, mentions of psychological safety are hard to ignore. From business press to board meetings, this topic is gaining new heights of popularity. And, for a good reason.
Psychological safety has long been considered an important driver of high-quality decision making, healthy group dynamics, interpersonal relationships and more effective execution in organizations (Harvard Business Review). Overall, research suggests that it is one of the strongest proven predictors of team effectiveness. So why the sudden hype? It’s inevitable link to other hot topics such as remote work, diversity & inclusion and rapid workplace change. Let’s dive in.
Psychological Safety: It Begins & Ends With Community
Psychological safety happens when everyone in a workplace feels comfortable being themselves, speaking up, asking challenging questions and suggesting new & innovative ideas. In other words, when people feel like they can be their whole selves at work, without fear of rejection.
It all begins with creating an environment of Trust & Belonging. Like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, employees must feel like they belong, like they’re accepted, before they can realize their full potential and go the extra mile for their employer.

The best way to develop an environment of Trust & Belonging? Realizing the importance of community at work. Community happens when people are able to connect openly and honestly, based on their common interests, thus developing trust & mutual respect for one another. In a healthy community, you are accepted for who you are and you feel safe sharing your unique experiences and viewpoints. At MixR, we strongly believe community is the quickest path to psychological safety and sustainable results for your people and your bottom line.
Creating Psychological Safety: Hybrid Edition
Without psychological safety, businesses and their people suffer. According to McKinsey, there are five key dynamics that set successful teams apart from other teams, and psychological safety is far and away the most important. In a WFH & hybrid world, it’s harder to build it than ever, yet more essential than ever.
Think about it. How do you establish Trust & Belonging when conversations need to be scheduled? How do you get to know your co-workers beyond their work responsibilities when there are less and less opportunities for casual conversation? Creating a psychologically safe environment when employees are scattered might seem daunting, but there are many steps an organization can take to get there. It’s about creating a culture of psychological safety that transcends each employees’ individual work experience.
- Employees need new & authentic ways to connect and get to know one another. Traditional productivity tools (e.g. Slack, Microsoft Teams) are great for upping work-related communication, but they can only go so far in terms of community-building. For meaningful relationships to happen, employees need a platform where they can feel safe & secure sharing personal information and experiences. MixR is purpose-built with this in mind.
- Employees need to feel empowered to be the change they want to see, to shape their own experiences at work. With MixR, employees can join, manage and create their own interest & location based communities. With loneliness at an all-time high, every employee (no matter their location, work status, interests) can find a place where they belong.
- Employees need room to learn & grow in times of rapid change. Turbulent times can have a direct impact on employees’ well-being, mental health & overall performance. When able to connect with others who are also going through these changes, they’ll be better positioned to face what’s to come. MixR enables employees to seek support where needed.
The bottom line? A psychologically safe workplace is healthier, more innovative and more competitive. After nearly two years of constant uncertainty, organizations and their people are suffering. From mental health, burnout, loneliness and disengagement, the effects are detrimental.
Creating psychologically safe workplaces is the best way to address many of the root causes of these problems. The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll see results. MixR can help you get started. Visit
www.mixr.net to book a demo today.