Did you know that in a 2017 Blue Ribbon Commission report, the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) declared that culture is a corporate asset? FYI, that report defined culture as “the character of a company, what provides meaning to employees and the work they do … If values are the ‘what and why’ of an organization, then culture is the ‘how’ – the way those values are lived on a day-to-day basis.”
So what's all the fuss about, you ask? Well, if culture is an asset, then it needs to be measured. Gallup did just that – they created the Gallup Culture Asset Index. Problem is, it’s only for corporate boards.
We applaud Gallup’s work. It echoes what we believe at MixR. But we have this question: What about the folks tasked with actually CREATING the culture? Don’t they deserve a dashboard, too? As well as visibility and rewards for their work?
So we created CQ™ – Community Quotient. It measures the effectiveness of your community efforts, provides a benchmark for employee sentiment, and surfaces next-generation leadership.
HR and ERG leaders, stand up. If your corporate board is adopting Gallup’s esteemed dashboard, tell them about MixR. Say it like this: Culture is the destination, but community is the journey. Then give us a shout